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INNSMART - Bed & Breakfast and Inn Guide
California Bed & Breakfasts and Inns

Smart Links - Central Valley region of California Bed & Breakfasts and Inns

Other listings in Central Valley region of California


Pine Mountain Club

Pine Mountain Inn
16231 Askin Dr.
Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222
661-242-1982 or 877-246-4922


Inn & Spa at Parkside
2116 6th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818

Communities include: Bakersfield, Fresno, Lockeford, Pine Mountain Club, Sacramento, Sutter Creek, Tehachapi

California Regions: Central Coast . Central Valley . Deserts . Gold Country . High Sierra . Inland Empire . Los Angeles . North Coast . Orange County . San Diego . San Francisco Bay Area . Shasta Cascade

Innkeepers desiring a listing can find information on the Innkeepers page.


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